Friday, November 12, 2010

be humble..wee~

eheheh..lm kot xupdate blog burok nyh..
merujuk perkara di atas...(cm wt formal letter la plak..)
as we all know la kn..everyone different..
mcm2 perangai ade..kn3..??
tp ak plg pntang ble owg 2 sgt2 terlalu bangga diri..riak..takabbur..
akibat drpd perangai cm2 rmai owg xsuke..
mayb yg owner bdan xamek kesa..
tp sbb bnde cm2 msty ade effect kt diri owner badan 2..
ak pnh ade mmbe cm2..
n owg len report la kt ak yg dowg da sgt2 annoying ngn prangai si dye 2..
ak xley nk comment la..
ak wt xtawu jek..
tp ble ak sndri yg terkene bru ak tawu...
btol la ckp owg..
be humble..
sume owg suke..
n sume owg akn bersikap husnuzonni..
xde la yg tmbah dose ngn sikap suuzonni dowg 2..
sedangkn Rasulullah pn ade sifat rendah diri..
so kte sbagai umat akhir zaman ptot la amek contoh sifat cm2 kn...
owg len pn xkn tmbah dose ngumpat..
ak nk cte bkn la ak baek sgt..
ade gak ak cte2 psl diri ak kadang2..
tp ble pk balek..bnde 2 juz kcik..bkn bsar mane pn..
ade g bnde yg ak bsar owg len pnh wt..
klu juz for sharing xperience ok laa..
cm ak suke la cte xperience ak..
pas2 ak akn sharing n take advice dr owg yg lbey tawu..
kte blaja la kn..
ade yg kte tawu, owg len xtawu..
ade yg owg len, tawu kte xtawu..
so, be sharing that things wull grow positively laa..
n sume owg hapy..kn3..??
ak nk jd matang..
from my mind to my attitude..
we must be mature..think for our future..
our life is too far..
so, xperience will matured us..
ok laaa..
nk rest..ak nk start berlasak semula...
may Allay bless we all..

Monday, August 9, 2010

everything happen in our life is just for a begining..

assalamualaikum n greeting...
lm da xupdate blog cikai ak nyh..
here some story i want 2 share...
i just break up with my bf about 3months..
i just start my industrial training about 2months...
i'm hapy with that...even i've break up with unfaithful guy..
i'm still hapy...
but lately i've just told about my friend who stabbed me at my back...
making untrue story about me...
humiliate me infront of her friends without thinking about how much i trust her..
really disappointed with her...
why she could do like that to me...
i never disturb her life...
ouh..!!! i almost forget....she like to acting..
act like she doesn't know anything..
so hypocrite..!! we're friends from our 1st semester at PPD..
i can't believe she could do like that to me...
arghh..!!! you girl, just go to hell..there is the perfect place you should live...
what's wrong with you ha..??
would you give some good reasons why are you so damn..??
are you too desperate to make people love you and they will hate me...
make them think that i am the worst girl ever..??
i think you're not my friend now...
it's okay if i lose you as a friend..
i think you're really don't know what's the meaning by FRIEND..
okay, now let forget bout that...
i just lost my phones last saturday...
at 0800hours at the curve, mutiara damansara..
so bad..but for me just can give some lessons to take care our properties...
learn from mistake...that'll make us more understand this life..
make us to be more mature..
keep think positive if something bad happen in our life..
the most important is be what we want to be..but in a good way...
thanks all..

Thursday, May 13, 2010


is it true you're lying to me?
is it true you make me sorrow?
is this how you treat me best?
is this will make you happy?
would you ever make me smile?
cause i'm dying in misery
i don't want you to be sad
i'll let myself disappear through the crowd
this is my fake happy
deep inside my heart, it's bleeding
it's always bleeding faster
would you stop it from bleeding?
dear God, save me from this empty dream
i'm tired to be in misery
i'm continuous writing and writing
waiting, hoping, dreaming for possible things
but it's hard to reach it
now i'm alone
freely through the air
but my heart was hurt
i don't now where to find the cure
please God, show me the right path
lead me to the light
show me the truth of my life
give the strong to walk with my life
God, i really need you..

Thursday, March 18, 2010


jgn ubah diri ak jd cm ak yg dlu..
jd ak yg xpk psl owg len...
xde prasaan...
nyh ak da ckup b'ubah da...
klu ak xb'ubah ak xkn g wt confession kt mmbe ak yg ak m'ngate dye...
keep thinking..
klu kowg ase ak tol, alhmdulillah kowg mmg phm situasi...
klu kowg ase ak slh kowg still lom phm, n hope kowg keep searching n thinking..
k, tanx 4 everything...

the thruth...

pnjang ak ngeluh arini...
bkn pe...
ak pk bnyk sgt...
npe la owg xnk trime bnde yg da t'nyata..???
npe owg xnk open minded..???
npe klu pk, juz pk juz one thing..???
n[e xnk pk m'nyeluruh..???
jgn tgk owg pd luaran jek...
klu owg 2 nmpk bek...
lyn kte bek...
xsmstinye aty dye bek an...
ak ade knlsowg mmbe cmni...
nmpk cm dak bek...
bek sgt cm xde cacat cela dye..
tp ble ak da tawu ak keep thinking...
ak pk kt ne yg ak slp...
at last ak dpt...
nmpk jek dye bek tp dye hipokrit...
talam 2 muke...
mmg awl2 ak cye ckp dye...
dye ngn mmbe2 dye yg len..
ak cye dowg ckp psl mmbe ak yg sowg g nyh...
ak pn pe g, mcm2 ak ckp...
tp smpai 1 mse ak tb2 t'pk...
ak t'pk npe dog ckp cm2 n npe ak pn ckp c2...
sdgkn ak xla knl sgt ngn mmbe yg ak m'ngate 2...
pas2 ak dpt ase cm ade owg pijak ak dr blakang...
ak dpt detect pn awl2 sem nyh g...
ak tgk pn da tawu...
yup, mmg tol pn ade owg wt cm2...
so, start from dat la ak keep searching n thinking...
kuatkn gak aty ak nyh...
so, ak g kt mbe yg ak m'ngate td...
ak wt confession yg ak ade ckp mcm2 psl dye...
pas2 ak tnye dye tol ke pe yg salme nyh ak m'ngate dye...
then ak da pat jwpn...
ak ase 2 la jln t'baek sbb ak da tnye tuan pnye badan..
ag pn ak da ngaku slp ak kt dye..
mle2 ak tkot gak dye xpat accept, tp alhmdulillah dye ley accept...
ak pn ok ngn dye...
tp mslh skunk mmbe2 ak yg sm2 m'ngate ngn ak 2 xtawu ak da gtawu slp ak kt mmbe yg ktowg m'ngate 2...
so, skunk ak yg d'prsalahkn...
pas2 ade sowg mmbe byh soh ak ubah dri ak...
ak bkn xnk cte kt dye pe sume yg buat dowg slh phm...
ak tawu dye xkn cye...
sbb dowg juz cye ckp mmbe ak yg hipokrit n talam 2 muke 2 jek...
ye la...
dye dak bek..
ak nyh x...
ak xperfect....
ak salu wt silap...
tp ak da biase ase ble owg xske even pe yg ak wt 2 tol...
dowg yg xnk trime n xnk pk leklok...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


lets talk about friend back...
as i told u b4 an, kwn nyh mcm2 prangai an...
ak plg benci kawan yg hipokrit n kawan makan kawan...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

ermm..tired laa...wee~

hye there...
lm da ak xmmbebel kt cnie...
khmis lpas ak over night kt teluk kemang ngn dak umh ak n dak klas dowg..
ktowg lpak smpai pg...
lam kul 7 dowg da msok air...
ngn xde bju yg nk d'tuka g...
msok la dowg ngn jeans2 k'sygn dowg 2...
tp ak ngn dak umh ak men kayak...
da lm xb'kayak...
t'rase gian lak time 2...
tp kjp jek la...
xpe la...
jnji dpt b'kayak ok la...
kje gle nyh..
then, ptg jmaat mak ak smpai jmpt ak nk g tiara beach...
time 2 sleep lam aircond la an...
ak xpk pe da...
nmpk katil...
on aircond...
trus landing...yea..!!!
k'sengalanku t'serlah nmpknye...
tanx la syg sbb syg owg xcm dlu da...
tanx cz u've bring me to my real life back syg...
love u so damn much la...
pape pn skunk, ak hapy...
tp 1 jek yg xbesh...
dwet xde...
k la..
ak nk rest lak...
pnt nyh...
tp besh gak lpak2...

Friday, February 5, 2010

ptg yg ceria...

ptg td ak g jogging kt pantai...
stlh dkt setahun xtgk pntai even stdy kt pd...
skipping ade b'b'rape kali gak td...
klu lpak rmai2 jogging g besh..
pas2 trus smpai mlm wt bbq...
gle sonok klu cm2...
idop nyh hapy sgt la...
kje pn da nk settle...
alhamdulillah ak da b'ubah...
forget the past la..
xde pape yg b'gune pn ag...
so now, just think about my future la...
ak da b'jaye lpekn dye..
tanx 2 Allah...
so, kpd si dye 2 jgn ske2 aty jek nk tduh2 owg len jd p'nyebab ak ade fail lam final...
actually sumenye sbb dye la..
klu ak truskn jek ngn dye mayb ak da xstdy g...
so, skunk ak hapy ngn bittersweet ak...
jgn la dye nk amek tawu g psl idop ak...
jgn soh spe2 pn nk tgk2kn ak...
ak tawu jge diri...
ak da idop hapy..
xyah nk jd parasit da...
bg ak, dye da xde...
dye bkn spe2 ag lam idop ak...
klu ak jmpe dye pn ak wt cm kwn biase jek..
pape hal pn idop ak da hapy...
k la...
t2 ak m'bebel ag...
k, salam...

Monday, February 1, 2010


1st of all....
ak nk cte nyh...
ptot ke kte ungkit pe yg kte da tlong owg len..???
xlogic an cm2....
so, better kte diam jek...
bia la klu owg 2 xnk tlong kte pn xpe...
yg jnting jgnla d'ungkit2 pe yg penah kte tlong die...
let's think positive guys....
gle panas kt pd arini...
assg xbnyk...
juz ag ckit jek nk wt...
lab report pn sm...
skunk ak da brubah...
sume kje ak wt awl...
tanx kpd yg mmberi inspirasi 2...
so, kpd yg pnh ckp kt ak yg dlu ak g better dgn dye, forget la...
mase da ke depan, ak da brubah....
skunk ak more better than b4 la...
pape pn ak nk ucap TANX A LOT sbb b'jaye wt ak rosak kot, pas2 study xtntu hala sblm nyh...
so, tanx 2 my parents sbb xske dye...
ade hikmah rpenye...
pas ak xrpat da ngn dye idop ak jd g better la cm ak gtawu td...
so, dye xley slhkn spe2...
pape pn kte kne brubah jd yg t'baek utk our future la...
talk about future, i just think about my ambition...
tp ak xnk story skunk la...
xsuprise la t an...
aritu ak ade story about friendship an..???
so pe yg ak ckp ak ase tol kot...
spe2 mnt outdoor adventure 2 inform la pape kt ak...
ak ske adventure nyh...
klu kowg ade team outdoor ke pe...
inform gak k...
k la..
gtg now...
ade kje nk settlekn...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


i'm quite bored...
tp tanx 2 mmbe2 ku...
on dat time i need friends, they'll be right here...
when i feel sad they make me laugh...
when i in trouble they'll help me all the times i need them..
tanx a lot to ALLAH b'coz HE gave me a chance to know them...
to share happiness with them...
all i needs are friends who love me...
easy going with me..
getting mad with me...
making crazy with friends is the one thing i love to do...
in our life, friends are very important..
we cry with them...
we laugh with them..
we eat with them...
we study with them...
we learn about each others...
that make us understand what is the meaning of true friendship...
I've a lot of friends...
and they're different..
b'coz of that, it's make me happy with them...
so, kowg phm x yg K A W A N nyh adalah org yg kte perlukn klu kte jauh dr fmly...
cm ak la...
sume owg ak kwn, tp jgn wt prangai ngn ak la..
even fmly ak dkt jek kt sg.buloh 2 n ak lak study kt pd...
tp kte bkn ley salu alek right..???
dat y kte perlu kwn..
kate la kn klu kte ade probs ngn fmly...cmne 2..???
msti kte ngadu kt bf/gf right..???
tp salunye kt kwn la...
caye la ckp ak..
kowg sume sm jek cm ak..
i need friends...
i love to have friends...
i love 2 'lepak' with them la...
da la...
ak pnt da nk typing...
pape hal hope kowg caye pe yg ak m'bebel psl K A W AN nyh...
have a happy life guys..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

at PD..

da dkt 2 weeks kt pd...
quite bored la...
tv xde...
da la washing machine pn xde kt umh nyh...
dapur ngn freezer pn xde...
cmne tah nk msk...
da la ak nk saving...
ape pn xbley la...
xtawu pe nk ckp g....
t'pkse la ak wt mke tebal jmpe lec t...
segan gle...
tp sbb ak nk stdy ak kuatkn gak la...
ase cm nk give up...
tp p'jlanan ak nyh jauh g...
xley give up skunk...
pe yg ak ade skunk xckup g..
ak nk lbey ag...
i need 2 go further...
i need support guys...
arap korg phm la...
pape pn ak xkn give up...
n 2 my syg...
i love u so much...
tanx sbb jge owg k syg...
tanx 4 evrything...
love u so much till' end of my life...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

hmm...tah la..

result teruk..
life jd suck jek ase...
tah la...
xpat g li...
ape pn xpat...
wat's wrong with me..???
feel guilty...
so painful...
anyone plz..
any advise..???
xtawu pe nk wt da...
tanx 2 my dear bg support...
2 abg angkt ak gak...
tanx gak bnyk support..
adk angkt ak yg ak syg 2....
pape pn...
i need support 2 go on...